
Image by: Hana Pepin @enchanted_strands

It kind of feels like being punched in the face. 

Speaking truth - not from fear, but from a place of grace. How to arrive here after so long of playing small? Stand tall, speak slowly, not a rush, a slow gentle pace. Nothing is urgent in the realm of the spirit - a quiet and safe space. 

The words come out, sometimes surprised, I always end up in the right place. Maybe not as I see fit, when the timing is right - the truth will be revealed, quieting my mind. I am reminded of my one precious life. Not a moment too late, nothing to do differently, no room for second guessing, step by step - trusting Self, where I am supposed to be.

Speaking truth means being set free - the voice that was always inside of me. Used to being quiet, used to staying the same. It’s time to speak now, this is your time - no fear remains.



